February 23, 2025 |


Sh'mot - Daddy, why did G-d try to kill Moses?

Today at shul, we looked at Exod. 4:24-26, where G-d comes to Moses and Zipporah on the way to Egypt and seeks to kill Moses or Moses' son, and is dissuaded by Zipporah's hasty circumcision of her son. We discussed a lot of interesting translation problems in the passage -- was the intended victim...

Facinating Fire

My son is fascinated by fire. He pretends to light Shabbat candles using his toy candlesticks, and every time he passes by the spot where we store our hanukiot, our menorahs, he points to them and says "fire. Don't touch. Very hot." Yet the potential danger doesn't deter him from climbing up on a...

No Excuses for a Recalcitrant Husband

I met Tamar on Sunday. She is a 27 year old graduate of Yeshiva University’s Stern College and the mother of a three year old child. Although, she was surrounded by family, friends, and literally hundreds of supporters she had tears in her eyes. She said to me, “I never thought it could happen to...

Great Expectations

A foolish story I once heard imagines two deceased souls who meet at the entrance to the next world. As they stand in line to be admitted (sadly, it seems, even the afterlife has bouncers and security) they discuss their lives on earth. One asks the other: "What is the bravest thing you have ever...

Parshat Shemot: Walkthrough

PARSHAT SHEMOT And these are the names (“shemot”) of the children of Israel who coming to Egypt with Jacob (each of these came with his family): Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naftali, Gad, and Asher For a total of 70 people (Joseph was in Egypt). Joseph,...

My Weekly Drash -- (a mini D'Var Torah) -- Shmot (3)

As we begin Parshah Sh'mot, we discover how after many generations beyond Joseph things have gotten bad for the Israelites, to the point where the new Pharaoh has ordered the murder of newborn male children. The Israelites need someone who, with God's help, will free them from slavery and lead...

My Weekly Drash -- (a mini D'Var Torah) -- Shmot (3)

As we begin Parshah Sh'mot, we discover how after many generations beyond Joseph things have gotten bad for the Israelites, to the point where the new Pharaoh has ordered the murder of newborn male children. The Israelites need someone who, with God's help, will free them from slavery and lead...

My video divrei Torah on this parasha from youtube Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg

vayishla Jacob wrestles and gets renamed Israel JewU285 God was on Jacob's side as Jacob wrestlesd himself JewU292

My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Sh'mot (2)

Upon seeing the burning bush in Parshah Sh’mot, Moses is instructed, “Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you stand is holy ground.” (Exo. 3:5) For those who’ve been watching “Sex and the City,” you may need to be reminded that shoes are more often associated with the dirt...

Real to God

i God frees the Children of Israel from Egypt by means of Plagues and Signs: in which a staff becomes a serpent, and water becomes blood, and land becomes lice. These miracles prove the fixed world to be more changeable than it would seem to be. * God frees the Children of Israel, largely,...


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