The Beginning of Wisdom is the Fear of the Lord
Posted by Abe Mezrich | Tags: Shmot
i Joseph, who interprets dreams, proclaims God as the source of his understanding of dreams. Joseph says: <em>Do not interpretations belong to God?</em> * The Pharaoh of Joseph's day says to him: <em>Since God has made all of this known to you, there is none so...wise as...
My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Sh'mot
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Shmot
We begin the book of Exodus with Parshah Sh’mot. It takes us from Joseph’s death to the start of the showdown with the new Pharaoh in quick, terse passages. Look, for example, at chapter 2, where in verse 10 Pharaoh’s daughter is rescuing the baby from the Nile and naming him Moses, and verse 11...