My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Matot
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Matot
When you're told someone is as good as his word or that his word is his bond, what's being expressed is not only a belief in his trustworthiness and reliability, but his living up to the ideal set forth at the start of this week's double Parsha Mattot/Masei. "If a man makes a vow to the Lord or...
My video divrei Torah on parasha matot masei Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg
Posted by Jonathan Ginsburg | Tags: Matot
My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Mattot
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Matot
"If a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an oath imposing an obligation on himself, he shall not break his pledge; he must carry out all that has crossed his lips." (Num. 30:3) How ironic to read this verse in Parshah Mattot as we enter the final months of the seemingly endless presidential...