An Easier Way to Achieve Redemption
Posted by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld | Tags: Pekudei
This week a friend gave me a beautiful present: a children’s book by Mordecai Gerstein called, “The Man Who Walked Between the Towers.” This book tells the story of Philippe Petit and his daring, death defying, walk between the Twin Towers on August 7, 1974. Many of you are probably familiar...
Parshat Pekudei: Walkthrough
Posted by Jack Kustanowitz | Tags: Pekudei
[This is largely a recapping of Parshat Tetzaveh, again with repetitive details omitted here. Interestingly, as in Vayakhel last week, it starts with some new material, and then settles into the itemizations. This time, however, differently from Vayakhel, note the plural “they made”, as well as...
Financial Transparency
Posted by Rabbi Avi Heller | Tags: Pekudei
In the movie "Good Will Hunting", the psychiatrist played by Robin Williams succeeds in getting through to Matt Damon's character after everyone else has tried and failed. He manages to bring out the real person rather than just the brashly arrogant and smart polymath who keeps the rest of the world...
Seder Tidbits Part 1
Posted by Rabbi Avi Heller | Tags: Pekudei
In 21st century America, it is no secret that the majority of Jews are deeply assimilated. By assimilated, I mean that they have chosen to identify and associate with 'American' modes of thought and behavior, rather than Jewish ones, and that they have done so willingly. The consequences of this...
My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Pekudei
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Pekudei
The double portion of VaYakhel/P'Keudei is not the most exciting of material. P'Keudei begins with Moses's expense account, "These are the records of the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle of the Pact, which were drawn up at Moses' bidding..." (Exo. 38:21) Why should we care? While only the most obsessive...
My video divrei Torah on parasha Pikudei from by Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg
Posted by Jonathan Ginsburg | Tags: Pekudei
Torah is the coach JewU 387 Parashat Pikudei ends Exodus JewU 385
My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah)- P'kudei
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Pekudei
"This Moses did; just as the Lord commanded him, so he did." (Exod 40:16). This is an interesting declarative statement in Parshah P'kudei. Moses follows instructions. There comes a time when you have to follow orders. Not in the sense of not thinking - an excuse laid to rest at Nuremberg. ...
7 Lbs, 6 Oz, and 50 Cubits
Posted by Jack Kustanowitz | Tags: Pekudei
Tonight, in honor of our Shalom Zachar for the son born to Penina & myself this past Wednesday morning, I wanted to find something in the parsha that would be interesting to talk about, and relevant to my newfound role as father of 2 sons. But then I realized it was Parshat Terumah. Parshat...