My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Pesach
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Pesach
This Shabbat is the seventh day of Pesach, which means we pause in the cycle of Torah readings and get a rerun from several weeks ago, reading part of Parshah B’Shallach. The reason is obvious: it tells of the Exodus, the parting of the sea, and then Moses leading the Israelites in the Song at the...
Real to God
Posted by Abe Mezrich | Tags: Pesach
i God frees the Children of Israel from Egypt by means of Plagues and Signs: in which a staff becomes a serpent, and water becomes blood, and land becomes lice. These miracles prove the fixed world to be more changeable than it would seem to be. * God frees the Children of Israel, largely,...