February 23, 2025 |


Parshat Terumah: Walkthrough

God continues with more instructions for Moses to tell the Israelites. They should bring donations, from whoever is feeling generous: gold, silver, fine materials, animal skins, oil, precious stones, etc. – so that they can build me a Temple and I can dwell among them. Build the sanctuary...

Share the Light

Anyone who has enjoyed a beautiful Shabbat dinner knows that when you walk intoa shabbat home, you will see a beautifully-set table, with a table cloth, a kiddush cup and covered loaves of challa. You will also see lit candles, often in silver candlesticks, burning merrily. Shabbat makes people...

The Crown of Torah

Reading this week's Torah portion, one is immediately struck by how different Judaism was three thousand years ago. (It wasn't even called Judaism back then.) The descriptions of the wandering Jews (Israelites, really, b'nei yisrael) in the desert describes a people whose religious life was focused...

My video divrei Torah on parasha ki tisah from Youtube.com by Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg

Parashat kee Teesa shekel golden calf forgiveness JewU373

My video divrei Torah on parasha Trumah from Youtube.com by Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg

Parashat Trumah 19/54 Building the Sanctuary JewU 358

My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Terumah (2)

Parshah T'rumah is not the most exciting reading, focusing on the building of the Tabernacle, so the rabbis worked extra hard to derive lessons from it. "You shall make the planks for the Tabernacle of acacia wood, upright." (Exo 26:15). If you're not building a Tabernacle, what lessons could that...

7 Lbs, 6 Oz, and 50 Cubits

Tonight, in honor of our Shalom Zachar for the son born to Penina & myself this past Wednesday morning, I wanted to find something in the parsha that would be interesting to talk about, and relevant to my newfound role as father of 2 sons. But then I realized it was Parshat Terumah. Parshat...

My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Terumah

Parshah Terumah begins with God telling Moses, “Tell the Israelite people to bring Me gifts.” (Exod. 25:2). It’s an odd command. Even with the rest of the verse qualifying the “gifts” as being from everyone “whose heart so moves him” it seems strange. Perhaps it’s because “terumah” is being...


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Michael Toben

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