Of Pharaohs and Faith
Posted by Rabbi Avi Heller | Tags: Va'era
I was at a beautiful wedding this past week. There is nothing more enjoyable than watching a lovely young couple - obviously deeply in love - celebrating the beginning of the creation of a new Jewish home together. They were surrounded by family and friends who had come from as far away as Australia...
Parshat Vaera: Walkthrough
Posted by Jack Kustanowitz | Tags: Va'era
Then God spoke to Moses, reintroducing Himself as the God of Avraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whom He had promised the last [apparently, He was still trying to sound out the best answer to Moses’s question of what to tell the Israelites when they ask who sent him]. “Tell the Israelites”, God says,...
Getting Used To It
Posted by Rabbi Avi Heller | Tags: Va'era
One of the quirks of the human personality (and an essential tool of our survival) is the ability to get used to almost anything. If a human being loses their legs, their sight, their hearing, they can adapt and compensate with their other abilities to a degree that would amaze those of us with all...
My video divrei Torah on this parasha from youtube Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg
Posted by Jonathan Ginsburg | Tags: Va'era
vayishla Jacob wrestles and gets renamed Israel JewU285 God was on Jacob's side as Jacob wrestlesd himself JewU292
My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Va'era (2)
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Va'era
“Let My people go!” is probably one of Moses’s most quoted statements but, like “Play it again, Sam” or “Come up and see me sometime,” it’s actually a misquote. When God instructs Moses what to say to Pharaoh, He actually does tell him to use that phrase, but never by itself. In Parshah Va-Era God...
My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Va'era
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Va'era
With all the action going on with the plagues you might gloss over Exodus chapter 6, verses 6-8 in this week's Parshah Va-era. That would be a mistake. God tells Moses that He is ready to enforce his covenant with the Israelites: "I will free you... and deliver you... I will redeem you... I will...