January 22, 2025 |

Life Cycle

Sleepless in Persia

Originally written the shabbat before Purim 2011/5771 - but please - let's spread this far and wide so it has time to circulate by next purim- something to consider, to incorporate... Discuss, respond, comment, but mostly, if you want and would, please pass along... been contemplating this for a...

Writing Your Own Torah - On Your Wedding Day and Every Day

One of the 613 mitzvot, in fact the last of the 613, is that every Jew should write a copy of the Torah. It is derived from the passage in Parshat Vayelech that says “V’atem kitvu lachem et hashira hazot” – “So now, write this song for yourselves.” Our sages derive from this verse that every Jew...


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Manny Jacobowitz

Joined: December 12, 2010

Manny and his two kids are members of Congregation Beth Shalom. He approaches Torah as an actor and lawyer, looking for character motivation.

Divrei Torah (8)


Joined: April 1, 2017


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Joined: October 26, 2016


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