February 23, 2025 |


Parshat Vayechi: Walkthrough

So Jacob lived in Egypt 17 years, having lived a total of 147 years. In his dying days, he called his son Joseph, to ask him one favor: “Do not bury me in Egypt. When I pass on, I’d like to be buried with my forefathers.” Joseph agreed, and promised to do so. Shortly thereafter, Joseph is...

Recognizing your Children

Recently our congregation was given a tremendous gift. The family of Rabbi Gedaliah Silverstone gave us a Torah scroll that had many years ago been acquired by the Silverstone family in memory of Rabbi Gedaliah. The family had read from the Torah on the High Holidays and memorable family...

End of Days

Our forefather Ya'akov gathers his sons together in the last days of his life, seeking to give them a final testament and ethical will. His life has been a hard one, full of turmoil and strife and he knows that his family is not only divided but also in great peril. They have descended to Egypt and...

My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Va-Y'Chi (3)

Parshah Va-Y'hi closes out Bereshit (Genesis) on a somber note. After the death of Jacob there is mourning and - with Pharaoh's permission - his remains are transported to Canaan. Joseph's death is reported differently: "Joseph died at the age of one hundred and ten years; and was embalmed and...

A New Decade: Chazak Venitchazek

Next week we will read parshat Vayechi and conclude the book of Bereshit, Genesis. We will also say goodbye to the calendar year 2009 and user in a new year, a new decade. What does the Torah tell us about transitions of this kind? There is no book quite like the book of Bereshit, which takes...

My video divrei Torah on this parasha from youtube Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg

vayishla Jacob wrestles and gets renamed Israel JewU285 God was on Jacob's side as Jacob wrestlesd himself JewU292

My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Va-Y'Chi (2)

In the final portion of Genesis, we read in Parshah Va-Y’hi that Joseph’s brothers were frightened when their father died. Would Joseph now feel free to wreak his revenge? Joseph has no such idea, telling them, “…although you intended me harm, God intended it for good, so as to bring about the...

In God’s History Lies Forgiveness

i Joseph’s brothers cast him down into a pit. From there he is stolen and sold into slavery in Egypt. In Egypt he is sentenced for a crime he does not commit. He lives in prison. Later, in a twist of fate, Joseph becomes ruler over all of Egypt. * As ruler over Egypt, Joseph sustains his...

My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) -Vayechi

Jacob’s at it again. In Parshah Va-Yhi he’s blessing Josephs’ sons but he insists on favoring the younger boy. Joseph tries to correct him but Jacob is having none of it, insisting both will be great, but the younger will be greater: “Thus he put Ephraim before Manasseh.” (Gen. 48:20). Did you...


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