A Crowning Achievement
Posted by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld | Tags: Toldot
If you asked me what is one of the most consistently spiritual experiences of my life, I would tell you that above all else, it is fatherhood. Acting like a father to my children, being involved in their life, studying Torah with them, teaching them how to daven, being their counselor in camp,...
The Attributes of the Forefathers
Posted by Rabbi Avi Heller | Tags: Toldot
Everyone knows that having a father is an important part of a child's life. Children who - unfortunately - grow up without the loving touch of a father must struggle to replace the special admiration and love that comes from a father's touch. In some cases, an adopted father, or a father-figure, can...
Parshat Toldot: Walkthrough
Posted by Jack Kustanowitz | Tags: Toldot
We start this week’s parsha with the same formula we started Parshat Noach: “Here’s the story of Isaac (Avraham’s son).” Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rivkah (his cousin). He prayed to God alongside his wife, who was barren (family theme, more to come), God answered, and Rivka became...
Why Am I?
Posted by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld | Tags: Toldot
In our 13 years of marriage I have been fortunate enough to learn what it is like to live with a pregnant woman. During this time, I have heard some great one-liners during the gestation period. There was the one and only time Rhanni said, ?Lets do something exciting tonight.? Then she looked...
Digging The Deepest Wells
Posted by Rabbi Avi Heller | Tags: Toldot
One of the things I love to do in New York is walk the city streets with Uriel, our 2-year old. His natural ebullience as he runs, jumps and dances down the sidewalk make me and lots of passers-by smile. Every sidewalk grate, bicycle stand, standpipe and set of steps is an opportunity for some...
My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Toldot (3)
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Toldot
In Parshah Toldot Jacob gets the birthright due Esau by demanding it in exchange for dinner. "And Esau said, 'I am at the point of death, so of what use is my birthright to me?'" (Gen. 25:32) We can question Jacob's action, but the rabbis note the ease and carelessness with which Esau accepts the...
My video divrei Torah on this parasha from youtube
Posted by Jonathan Ginsburg | Tags: Toldot
Tower of Babel vs Abraham's Call Lech lecha jewu 440 How do non-Jews achieve salvation? Noahide laws JewU 155 Torah portion Noah and the flood JewU 60Sputnik, Bears half-time speech and rainbows JewU 245 Noah, water-too much and too little JewU 247
My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Toldot (2)
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Toldot
One of the more bizarre stories in the Torah is in this week’s Parshah Toldot. The notion of sibling rivalry between Esau and Jacob isn’t unusual, however the story of how Esau sold his birthright to Jacob or a bowl of lentil stew raises all sorts of questions. First, Esau is more interested in...
My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Toldot
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Toldot
God doesn’t just drop in. When he appears before Isaac in this week’s Parshah Toldot, it’s not because He just happened to be in the neighborhood. Isaac has prospered but keeps having unpleasant run-ins with the neighbors who stop up his wells and tell him to move on. It is at this point that God...
Children of Isaac
Posted by Abe Mezrich | Tags: Toldot
<p class="MsoNormal"> i <br /> Jacob and Esau are Isaac’s sons. <br /> <br /> Esau is a hunter. But Jacob is <em>a simple man, a dweller of tents</em>. <br /> <br /> Jacob’s offspring—and not Esau’s offspring—will carry the mantle of Isaac. <br /> <br /> *<br /> Once, Esau returns from the...