March 12, 2025 |

My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Shmini

Parshah Shmini is chock full of information about the laws of kashruth: what we are permitted to eat, and what we are not. Once you get past the rules for meat (cows, yes; pigs, no) and sea creatures (tuna, yes; lobster, no; swordfish, maybe), there are some rules that may not be as familiar. "All winged swarming things that walk on all fours shall be an abomination for you." (Lev. 11:20). Yuck. No argument there. But did you know that locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers are permitted? Before you rush out and stock up on chocolate covered crickets for Pesach, there's a more practical matter here. We're required to wash our fruits and vegetables to make sure there are no forbidden bugs mixed into the salad. It doesn't require rabbinical supervision - enjoy your veggies - but even here we are to be conscious that there are rules as to what is proper and what is not.


Daniel M. Kimmel

Joined: October 2, 2007

Daniel M. Kimmel is a Boston area film critic, lecturer and author. He does these weekly mini-lessons for the Mishkan Tefila Brotherhood's newsletter. You are free to use them for similar purposes.

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