Vayetze Baby Wars - G-dcast
Posted by Esther D. Kustanowitz on September 14, 2009 | Tags: Sefer Bereshit, Vayetze
Earlier this year, I recorded a G-dcast on Parshat Vayetze.
What's a G-dcast?
G-dcast: a weekly cartoon about the story Jews are reading in the Torah right now. A different writer tells the parsha in 4 minutes: some are stories, others are country songs or hip hop! Then we animate it. Whether you already know the story, or this is totally new stuff, you'll meet 54 new voices this year. New episodes drop every Monday, and free curricula are available for teachers.
Check it out here.
Parshat Vayetze from
More Torah cartoons at
Esther D. KustanowitzJoined: February 3, 2008 Esther D. Kustanowitz is a writer, editor and social media consultant based in Los Angeles. She has many Dvar Torah writers in her family, and she can't wait to read contributions from Divrei Torah: The Next Generation (two nephews and a niece). Divrei Torah (3) |