December 22, 2024 |

My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Matot

When you're told someone is as good as his word or that his word is his bond, what's being expressed is not only a belief in his trustworthiness and reliability, but his living up to the ideal set forth at the start of this week's double Parsha Mattot/Masei. "If a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an oath imposing an obligation on himself, he shall not break his pledge; he must carry out all that has crossed his lips." (Num 30:3). This is a recurring lesson: words have consequences. Words can harm but the right words - instructing a child, comforting a mourner, cheering up someone who is ill - can be a mitzvah. Except for the extraordinary exceptions of the snake in Eden and Balaam's ass, knowing speech is the province of people, not animals. With this gift of speech comes responsibility. Don't make a promise unless you intend to keep it.


Daniel M. Kimmel

Joined: October 2, 2007

Daniel M. Kimmel is a Boston area film critic, lecturer and author. He does these weekly mini-lessons for the Mishkan Tefila Brotherhood's newsletter. You are free to use them for similar purposes.

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