February 23, 2025 |

My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Miketz (2)

As a critic I’m surprised when I notice that one of the major “characters” of the Torah – indeed, the “star” – is absent from the story of Joseph.. Where is God? With Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, God is doing things, saying things or, at the very least, sending heavenly messengers. Suddenly our focus is on Joseph and his brothers, and the people whose lives they impact. It takes Joseph to bring God into the story, as when Pharaoh asks him to interpret his dreams and Joseph replies, “Not I! God will see to Pharaoh’s welfare.” (Gen. 41:16) Joseph may have a prophetic gift but though we never get an instance of God or some angel telling him what to say, Joseph refuses to take credit for his gift. Instead he acknowledges the Source for that gift. Sometimes, as with Joseph in the pit or wasting away in prison, we may feel alone. Remembering that our talent, our life’s pleasures, indeed life itself is something on loan from God is a way of keeping things in perspective. Even if God seems “off-camera” in your life at the moment, He’s still part of the story.


Daniel M. Kimmel

Joined: October 2, 2007

Daniel M. Kimmel is a Boston area film critic, lecturer and author. He does these weekly mini-lessons for the Mishkan Tefila Brotherhood's newsletter. You are free to use them for similar purposes.

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